Overview on Telecom Network Solutions

  What is telecom Network Security?

 The Telecom industry is one of the main elements which make interconnectivity possible in the world. Here, the group of nodes is interconnected by telecommunication links to exchange messages between the nodes. The technologies used in these links are based on ideologies of circuit switching, message switching, or packet switching, through which the messages and signals are passed. On a daily basis, several private communications and business interactions are done through our smartphone and their connection to the internet between various parties from anywhere in the world. Thus, it makes telecom network security a big deal to be implemented and followed.

The Telecom industry with ever-increasing technological development is most exposed to cyber security attacks hitting the network’s security as infrastructure criminal groups and hackers continually develop methods to prevent or defeat the implemented security measures and putting risk in this growing emergent digital landscape.


Telecom cybersecurity is a broad term that encompasses structures, technologies, transport protocols, security measures, devices, and processes. Irrelevant of the size every industry, organization, or infrastructure requires a degree of network security solutions in order to protect their data from the ever-growing cyber threats. Therefore, in easy words, we can say that it is a set of rules and configurations designed to protect the integrity, confidentiality, and accessibility of computer networks and data using both software and hardware technologies.


Is cybersecurity a part of Telecommunications?


Yes, cybersecurity is a part of Telecommunications as it exists since the telecom industry came into existence. Due to the prevailing cyber-attacks in various areas of a telecommunication network which can include fixed-line, mobile, undersea, and satellites there are several natural, non-deliberate, and malicious threats which take place frequently. Therefore, cybersecurity is a vital and fundamental part of ensuring the protection of all forms of data from loss, identity theft, and cyber risk.

One of the major critical threats to the telecommunications sector is the attack on leased infrastructure equipment, such as home routers from Internet Service Providers (ISPs). Security level includes sensitive data, personally identifiable information (PII), protected health information (PHI), private information, intellectual property data, and systems used by the government and business

What are the 5 types of Telecom cyber security?

The 5 types of Telecom cybersecurity are as follows:

 1) Critical infrastructure security,

2) Application security,

3) Network security,

4) Cloud security, and

5) Internet of Things (IoT) security.

 Let us discuss cybersecurity types briefly-

1)    Critical Infrastructure Security:


Countries’ critical infrastructure includes all of the assets, systems, and networks (physical and virtual) that are essential for the proper functioning of the economy, national public health or safety, and security. Critical infrastructure can vary according to a nation’s requirement, resources, and level of development which includes food and agriculture sectors, financial services, transportation systems, water supply, electric utilities, internet and mobile networks, telecommunications, public health, energy(oil and gas), defense, etc... These critical infrastructures in physical and cyber infrastructure can be owned and operated by the private sector or government sector in a country.   

Critical infrastructure protection (CIP) is used to protect a country’s systems, networks, and assets whose continuous operation is necessary to ensure security, economy, and the public’s health safety. CIP relates to the preparedness and response to serious incidents that involve the critical infrastructure of a region or nation.

 2) Application Security:

Application security involves the security considerations that happen during the stage of the development and designing of an application and thus it is the measure of the security of an app at the application level. This prevents data or code within the app from being stolen or hijacked as it also involves systems and approaches to protect apps after they get deployed.

Components like hardware, software, and procedures that identify or minimize security are included in application security. An example of hardware application security can be a router that prevents anyone from viewing a computer’s IP address from the Internet. Software security such as an application firewall strictly defines what activities are allowed and prohibited.

 3) Network Security:

Network security is a set of technologies that protects the systems from malware, distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, network intrusions, and the usability and integrity of a company's infrastructure. By preventing the entry or increase within a network of a wide variety of potential threats and creating a secure platform for users, computers, and programs to perform their functions within the IT environment.

The protection methods include Firewalls, Network Segmentation, and Remote Access VPN. Email Security, Data Loss Prevention (DLP), etc...

 4) Cloud Security:

Cloud computing security or cloud security is a set of policies, technologies, applications, and controls utilized to protect virtualized IP, data, applications, services, and the associated infrastructure of cloud computing. We can say that cloud security is a sub-domain of computer security, network security, and information security. Cloud computing and storage provide users with the benefit of storing and processing their data in third-party data centers.

With cloud computing there are two types of security concerns linked:

a) security issues faced by cloud providers, and

b) security issues faced by their customers which refers to the companies or organizations or individuals who host applications or store data on the cloud.

5) Internet of Things (IoT) security:

IoT security is the practice that keeps your IoT systems safe by ensuring the availability, integrity, and confidentiality of your IoT solution. These security tools help in protecting systems from threats and breaches, identifying and monitoring risks, and fixing penetration.


The success of cybersecurity depends on ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of IoT solutions as some network securities are unable to detect IoT devices connected to it and check which devices are communicating through the network. LoT solutions provide valuable data and insights that will enhance the way we work and live along with manufacturing and consumer products, by increasing the safety of roads, cars, and homes.


Sec Gen’s comprehensive telecom cybersecurity program developed by their expert team has been one of the best in deploying global telecom security projects. The program covers signaling networks, SIP deployments, RAN, SIM cards, and VoLTE which means testing across the telecom network ecosystem.

Approach them for delivering you with a solid security foundation to drive secure telecom digital transformations and ensure safe and robust network operations.




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